How to finish a needlepoint pillow cushion with piping: Video & How to

If you're passionate about needlepoint and eager to take your projects to the next level, you're in the right place. Today, we'll guide you through the process of creating a stunning needlepoint cushion finished with piping cord. Whether you're an experienced stitcher or a beginner looking to expand your skills, this tutorial will provide you with all the steps and tips needed to achieve a professional finish.

How to finish a needlepoint pillow cushion with piping - Video Tutorial

For those who prefer a visual guide, we’ve created a detailed video tutorial to accompany this blog post. In the video, you'll see each step in action, providing you with a clear and comprehensive understanding of the entire process. Be sure to check it out:

How to finish a needlepoint pillow cushion with piping - Step by Step Instructions

Materials You'll Need

Before diving into the project, make sure you have the following items:

Step 1: Prepare the Piping

  1. Measure and Cut the Piping:

    • Measure your piping to fit the border of your needlepoint canvas. 
    • Cut the piping accordingly to ensure it covers the entire border.

  2. Join the Ends:

    • Trim a bit of the stuffing from one end of the piping.
    • Insert the other end into the trimmed end to create a seamless join and see if it fits well.

  1. Pin the Piping:

    • Secure the piping around the canvas edge using sewing pins.
    • Ensure it's placed close to the border for a neat finish without any blank canvas showing.

Step 2: Sew the Piping to the Canvas

  1. Change the Presser Foot:

    • Swap your sewing machine’s presser foot for one suitable for sewing piping.
    • Press the presser foot lever to remove the current foot and attach the new one.


  1. Start Sewing:

    • Begin sewing at one end of the piping, securing it with your hands and removing pins as you go.
    • Regularly check for any blank canvas and make adjustments as needed.

  1. Sew the Curves:

    • For smoother sewing around curves, make small cuts in the piping.
    • Adjust the piping as you sew to maintain a neat finish.


  1. Finish the Piping:

    • When you reach the end of the piping, cut off any excess and insert it into the prepared end.
    • Sew to secure the join and check for any remaining blank canvas spots, resewing as necessary.

Step 3: Attach the Backing Fabric

  1. Prepare the Backing Fabric:

    • Choose your backing fabric, ensuring the zipper is open if included.
    • Align the needlepoint piece with the backing fabric, front sides facing each other.

  2. Pin and Sew the Pieces Together:

    • Pin the edges of the needlepoint and backing fabric together.
    • Sew along the edges, staying close to the piping by feeling it through the fabric.

  3. Trim Excess Fabric:

    • Cut off any excess fabric around the edges to avoid bulk inside the cushion.

  4. Flip and Finish:

    • Turn your project right-side out through the open zipper.
    • Poke out the corners for a sharp finish and inspect for any blank canvas spots.
    • To finish it, fill it with pillow stuffing and it's ready!



Important Tip:

  • As you sew the piping along the border of your piece, it's really important to keep checking to see if there's any blank canvas showing. If you see this happen, you must correct the mistake by resewing it within this step (either immediately as you notice it, or after sewing the piping all the way around, resewing all the spots that are not perfect). When you get to the end of the process, you won't be able to go back and correct it!

Creating a needlepoint cushion with piping is a rewarding project that enhances the beauty of your needlework. While small mistakes can happen, they don't detract from the charm and uniqueness of your handmade cushion.

We hope this tutorial has inspired you to start your own needlepoint cushion project. Have fun crafting, and don’t forget to share your beautiful creations with us.

Happy stitching!