Framed Cashmere Stitch
The Framed Cashmere Needlepoint Stitch is a variation of the Cashmere Stitch, commonly used to fill in larger areas with a textured pattern.
Stitch Details
- Stitch Structure: Flat, Pattern, Parallel, Diagonal, Condensed, Composite
- Recommended for: Large areas
Framed Cashmere Stitch Instructions & Diagram
You can see the diagram of this stitch below.
- Start making a sequence of five tent stitches, one below the previous one
- At the end, make three tent stitches to the left of the last stitch of the first step
- Next, move the needle (behind the canvas) one canvas thread to the right and make a new tent stitch
- Move one canvas thread to the left and make a stitch by skipping two canvas intersections, then make another by starting a canvas hole upward
- At the end of the last stitch, move the needle two canvas threads to the left and one down
- Repeat the process as many times as necessary creating a "frame" around of the Cashmere Stitch
Stitch Guides where Framed Cashmere Stitch is used
Check out our Stitch Guides where this stitch is used to get some inspiration for your needlepoint project.
If you have doubts about what stitches to choose for your project - check our Tips to select Needlepoint Stitches or Our favorite Needlepoint Decorative Stitches.
Happy stitching :)