Mosaic Stitch (plus Reverse Mosaic Stitch)
The Mosaic Needlepoint Stitch is a decorative stitch that creates a textured and geometric pattern, resembling tiles in a mosaic. It's versatile and can be used for both small details and larger areas of your needlepoint project.
Stitch Details
- Stitch Structure: Flat, Parallel, Diagonal, Condensed
- Related Stitches: Cashmere Stitch, Scotch Stitch
- Recommended for: Small areas, Large areas, Backgrounds, Flowers
Mosaic Stitch Instructions & Diagram
You can see the diagram of this stitch below.
- Secure your thread on the backside of the canvas by making a small knot.
- Insert the needle from the back of the canvas to the front.
- Move diagonally up one intersection of the canvas to the right and then insert the needle from front to back.
- Move the needle back down and insert it into the canvas hole immediately below the first stitch.
- Go diagonally up passing two canvas intersections to the right and then insert the needle from the front to the back.
- Lower the needle again by passing two canvas threads down and one to the left, and insert it into the hole.
- Move diagonally up one intersection of the canvas to the right and then insert the needle from front to back.
- Insert the needle from the back to the front into the hole in the canvas immediately below stitch 3. Bring the needle up diagonally to the right passing over one canvas intersection, this will make stitches 8 and 5 be in the same hole.
- Repeat the diagonal stitches, creating a series of interconnected Mosaic Stitches. Each stitch should be offset from the previous one, creating a tiled or mosaic effect.

Reverse Mosaic Stitch
The steps of the Reverse Mosaic Needlepoint Stitch are the same as the original Mosaic Stitch, the differences are that the original is done diagonally from left to right and starts from top to bottom, and the reverse mosaic stitch is done diagonally from right to left and starts from top to bottom.
Reverse Mosaic Stitch Instructions & Diagram
You can see the diagram of this stitch below.
- Insert the needle from the back of the canvas to the front.
- Go diagonally up one intersection of the canvas to the left, then insert the needle from the front to the back.
- Bring the needle back down and insert it into the hole in the canvas immediately to the right of the first stitch.
- Go diagonally up past two intersections of the canvas to the left and then insert the needle from front to back.
- Bring the needle back down to the canvas hole immediately above the third stitch.
- Go diagonally up one intersection of the canvas to the left and then insert the needle front to back.
- Repeat until the row is complete.