Slanted Gobelin Stitch
The Slanted Gobelin Needlepoint Stitch is commonly used to fill in large areas of a canvas. It creates a smooth and solid appearance and is worked diagonally across the canvas.
Stitch Details
- Stitch Structure: Flat, Parallel, Diagonal
- Related Stitches: Encroaching Slanted Gobelin
- Recommended for: Small areas, Large areas, Backgrounds
Slanted Gobelin Stitch Instructions & Diagram
You can see the diagram of this stitch below.
- Secure your thread on the backside of the canvas by making a small knot.
- Insert the needle from the back of the canvas to the front.
- Count two canvas threads down and one canvas thread to the left. This will determine the length of your stitch.
- Insert the needle down through the canvas at the designated intersection, making sure to leave a loop of thread on the surface.
- Insert the needle back through the canvas at the next intersection to the right of the first stitch.
- Repeat the steps, working diagonally across the canvas, until you reach the end of the row.
- Once you reach the end of the row, reverse the direction and work back across the canvas in the opposite diagonal direction.
Stitch Guides where Slanted Gobelin Stitch is used
Check out our Stitch Guides where this stitch is used to get some inspiration for your needlepoint project.
If you have doubts about what stitches to choose for your project - check our Tips to select Needlepoint Stitches or Our favorite Needlepoint Decorative Stitches.
Happy stitching :)